BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

Gender Equity and Valorization of Diversity Policy of the BNDES System



Art. 1st The Gender Equity and Diversity Valuing Policy of the BNDES System reaffirms the permanent commitment of the BNDES System to contribute to the elimination of all forms of inequality and discrimination in BNDES’s workplace and in the institutions that participate in its relationship chain.

Art. 2nd For the BNDES System, valuing diversity encompasses respect for the life and dignity of every human being, considering all types of manifestation of differences, genders and sexual orientations, races and ethnicities, religions, cultures, political beliefs, among others.



Art. 3rd The following principles guide the actions of the BNDES System:

  1. Commitment: to understand the sociocultural factors that could exacerbate gender inequality and disrespect diversity to adopt appropriate methods and tools for promoting equal rights, and to combat any type of discrimination in its internal environment and relationship chains;
  2. Transparency: to act in a transparent manner and be accountable for its actions towards society;
  3. Communication: to provide communication channels to receive allegations, complaints and suggestions concerning the issues of gender and diversity that may occur in projects and programs supported by the BNDES System, as well as in BNDES’s workplace;
  4. Alignment with public policies: to act according to Brazilian public policies on gender and diversity;
  5. Incentive: to foster projects and programs that contribute to gender equality and the empowerment of women; and
  6. Competences: to promote the training and development of staff on issues of gender and diversity and act in the generation and management of knowledge on the subject.



Art. 4th The role of the BNDES System, in its corporate environment and in its relations with society, is guided by the following guidelines regarding the theme of gender equity and diversity valuing:

  1. to be recognized as an inclusive institution capable of understanding and meeting the needs of our society;
  2. to act in the eradication of all forms of discrimination and violence against women;
  3. to provide opportunities for personal and professional development for its employees, including, when possible, outsourced workers and contractors;
  4. to seek gender balance in the composition of the executive staff;
  5. to seek gender diversity in the composition of statutory bodies;
  6. to make the business environment more receptive to human diversity;
  7. to contribute to the elimination of all forms of discrimination in access, remuneration, development opportunities, internal movement, promotions and permanence in employment;
  8. to encourage all suppliers, partners and customers in the relationship chain to adopt policies to value women, promote gender equity and respect for diversity in their internal and external relationships;
  9. to induce client practices to promote a discrimination-free environment;
  10. to foster projects that provide income generation and employment opportunities for women, that benefit them directly or that facilitate their participation in development; and
  11. to publicly recognize and disseminate the commitment to gender equity and the diversity valuing in the world of labor.



Art. 5th The implementation of the guidelines of this policy will be conducted through a work plan coordinated by the unit responsible for the management of people with regard to internal actions and by the unit responsible for strategic planning with regard to BNDES’s operations

§1st. The work plan will be approved by the Management Committee and monitored by the Sustainability and Socioenvironmental and Territorial Development Committee (CSS).

§2nd.  Prior to its approval by the Management Committee, the work plan will be submitted to analysis by the CSS.



Art. 6th This Gender Equity and Diversity Valuing Policy shall be subject to review and update at least every 5 (five) years.

Art. 7th This Resolution comes into force on this date, repealing DIR Resolution no. 2,885/2015-BNDES.

Art. 8th This resolution will be used by the Special Agency for Industrial Financing S.A. (FINAME) and BNDES Participações S.A. (BNDESPAR), respectively, pursuant to art. 29 of FINAME’s Articles of Incorporation approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on June 29, 2018 and art. 30 of BNDESPAR’s Articles of Incorporation approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on June 29, 2018.